Your First Visit Mullica Hill, NJ
Your initial appointment will consist of a consultation explaining your diagnosis and treatment. Typically, treatment can be done the same day as the consultation. However, a complex medical history or treatment plan may require an evaluation and a second appointment to provide treatment.
On your first visit, please assist us by providing the following information at the time of or prior to your consultation:
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Completed medical history forms.
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Your referral slip from your dentist and any x-rays if applicable.
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A full list of your medications.
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Any dental/medical insurance information and completed paper work. |
Make sure to take all regular medications on the day of your appointment. If possible, try to avoid taking analgesics (Ibuprofen, Tylenol, etc.) approximately 6 hours prior to your appointment, which can assist in making a diagnosis.
Please alert the office if you have a medical condition that may be of concern prior to your initial visit (i.e. antibiotics for pre-medication, blood thinners, diabetes, hypertension, etc.)
This procedure will be performed using local anesthesia (very similar to having a filling). There are usually no restrictions after the procedure concerning driving or returning to work.
Please note that a parent or guardian must accompany all patients under age 18 at all visits to our office.
X-rays: You may have received recent x-rays at your general dentist’s office. While it is helpful to receive these images ahead of time, we will also need to take a few additional films.
Check out a recent study that shows Root Canal Treatment's Bad Rap May Become A Thing Of The Past.